The ethnographic expedition in the Khanty-Mansiysk district in September 2015 Travelling notes
Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Leading researcher of the Ob-Ugric institute of applied researches and development Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
Abstract:The travelling notes deal with the ethnographic expedition to the Khanty people on the river Nazim. The expedition was conducted in settlements with reindeer and religious places on the It’-Yah river (a tributary of the river Nazim). The members of expedition witnessed the current state of the traditions of the indigenous people. Legends told by A.N. Nikonova were written down. On the river mouth of the Little It’-Yah river notches in trees as well as an ancient settlement were found. During that an informant told a story about the encounters between the Khanty and the Nenets. The photographic material collected during the expedition are partially presented in this article.
Keywords: fi eld research, Khanty people on the Nazim river, It’-Yah river.