Genre paradigm of small prose by E. Chetvergov
Levina N. N. Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University Saransk, Russia [email protected]
Sheyanova S. V. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University Saransk, Russia [email protected]
Abstract. In the modern Mordovian literary study in the context of the common historical and literary problems it becomes evident the need for scrupulous multidimensional study of the creative activities of the most outstanding masters of the word, not only showing the richness of the national and artistic discourse, but also making certain contribution to Russian literature. This article is devoted to the study of genre composition of flash fiction by E. Chetvergov, who developed the epic traditions of the Mordovian prose in the traditional genres, who was a pioneer in the development of the synthetic genre and style projects reflecting the mental consciousness and the author’s concept of the world and man. The authors have updated the genre approach (initiated in the works by M.M. Bakhtin, N.L. Leiderman, G.N. Pospelov, N.D. Tamarchenko, etc.) not only can reveal the versatility of the creative personality of the writer, but it also is productive in terms of determining of the overall picture of the evolution of the historical and literary space of the Mordovia Republic, the functioning of genre system, an objective assessment of the current status and strategy of individual genre forms in their national and artistic originality.
Key words: flash prose, paradigm, genre model, prose miniatures, biographical sketch, travel notes.