Tsygankin D.V. and morphonology Moksha and Erzya languages
Candidate of philological sciences, associate professo Non-state Educational Institution, Training Center “MOSDOR” Moscow, Russia [email protected]
Abstract.The article is devoted to Tsygankin D.V. and morphophonology Moksha and Erzya languages. The article deals with considers a small part of his scientifi c works, are devoted to the study of morphology Moksha and Erzya languages, in which main attention in focusing on morphophological processes in the Mordovian languages. In published works on morphonology of Tsygankin D.V. identifi ed and the inventory morphonological phenomens, and in general terms their patterns. Today we, linguists, we see as studies by Tsygankin D.V. about morphology fi nd to their physical embodiment. The candidate dissertations about: «Morphonological processes in the verbal derivations in the Moksha language» (Moskina S.I., 1999), «Morphonology of noun (ŋ-type dialect of Erzya language) (Haritonova A. M., 1998) were defended under the guidance of Tsygankin D.V.The facts of morphonology are important part of linguistic researches, on based which created textbooks and manuals for higher educational institutions.
Keywords: morphonology, morphonological phenomens, alternation, apocope, imposition of morphemes, interfi xation, a morpheme, direct adjunction.