Poetics of Mansi folklore text «Bear song about the town hero»
Journal’s Subject Headings:
About author:
The image of the bear has a great importance in the traditional culture of Ob-Ugric people. The cult of the bear is vividly apparent in the ceremony of bear’s holiday. We reveal the poetics of folklore text and consider that explanation of taboo vocabulary and graphic and expressive means of Mansy poetic speech can give to Russian-language readers more clear understanding about national culture as historical and all mankind value. We also consider that work of such content promotes to saving of essential symbols of complete system of traditional culture.
Keywords: bear’s songs, Avdeev, «The Songs of Mansy people», Otyr, town-fortress, town’s bogatyr, Mansy, Usyng-Otyr, bear.
Keywords: bear’s songs, Avdeev, «The Songs of Mansy people», Otyr, town-fortress, town’s bogatyr, Mansy, Usyng-Otyr, bear.