To the status of reciprocal pronouns in the Udmurt language
T.V. Pantyukhina Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russian Federation, [email protected]
N. V. Kondratyeva Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russian Federation [email protected]
Introduction: the article is devoted to determining the status of lexical and grammatical forms og-oged ‘each other’, ogogez ‘each other’, og-ogly ‘to each other’ in the system of pronominal forms of the modern Udmurt language. In scientific grammar and textbooks on the Udmurt language, only plural pronouns are considered as reciprocal (mutually personal) pronouns. The above-mentioned singular lexemes are partially described or not included at all in the field of view of linguists.
Objective: to identify the status of the Udmurt pronouns og-oged ‘each other’, og-ogez ‘each other’, og-ogly ‘to each other’.
Research materials: linguistic data obtained as a result of a survey of speakers of various dialects of the Udmurt language; examples from works of fiction, newspaper and journal articles, most of which are published in the National Corpus of the Udmurt Language; the linguistic dictionaries.
Results and novelty of the research: the article contains a complex analysis of syntagmatic and paradigmatic characteristics of the Udmurt pronouns og-oged ‘each other’, og-ogez ‘each other’, og-ogly ‘to each other’; their structural elements are considered; declension paradigms are presented; syntactic features of their functions are analyzed. It has been established that these pronouns are formed by reduplication of the stem og (a shortened stem of odig) ‘one’ combined with singular determinative suffixes -ed, -ez which historically developed from the personal-possessive suffixes. The declension paradigm of a zero affix pronoun does not have nominative or genitive forms and is not used in postpositional constructions. The semantics and grammatical features of the reciprocal pronouns indicate the absence of the morphological category of the person in these words. The scientific novelty lies in determining the status of the considered pronouns as reciprocal, the specificity of which is the fusion of the values of reciprocity and generality.
Key words: Udmurt language, pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, morphology, word-formation suffixes, paradigm of pronoun declension
For citation: Pantyukhina T. V., Kondratyeva N. V. To the status of reciprocal pronouns in the Udmurt language // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2024; 14 (4/59): 695–704.