Interethnic families in Udmurtia: the view of modern Udmurt women (on the material of interview)
T. N. Russkikh Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russian Federation, [email protected]
S. N. Uvarov Udmurt State Agricultural University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation, [email protected]
Introduction: the article is devoted to the ethnographic study of interethnic families, since they have a strong influence on the development of ethnic processes in individual regions and countries as a whole. The author suggests looking at interethnic families through the eyes of direct participants – Udmurt women.
Objective: to identify stereotypical and cultural attitudes that arise during the interaction of representatives of two ethnic groups, their influence on the choice of behavioral strategies.
Research materials: field materials of the author.
Results and novelty of the research: the author’s field materials are introduced into scientific circulation. For the first time, on the Udmurt material, interethnic marriages are considered from the point of view of their direct participants. In Udmurtia, which is a multiethnic and multi-confessional region, the trend towards an increase in mixed marriages continues. The most common are Udmurt-Russian family unions, which is most likely due to the proximity of the history, culture and way of life of these ethnic groups. Marriages with Tatars and with representatives of ethnic groups from neighboring countries
are perceived very cautiously by the older generation of Udmurt women. In the family unions we studied, the spouses retained their ethnic identity. The main language of communication is Russian, but each of the parents, at the household level, teaches children their native language, talks about the traditions of their ethnic group. In the religious sphere, the spouses’ confessional preferences are preserved. As for children, they are given the freedom of self-determination. It should be noted that in families of representatives of different ethnic groups, but belonging to the same denomination, there are
practically no conflicts and rejection of the daughter-in-law by new relatives. The situation is different in bi-ethnic families with different religious preferences. There are certain barriers that Udmurts had to overcome in order to preserve the integrity of their family. The ways out of conflict situations were different: from the search for joint compromises, to cardinal isolation and restriction of communication with new relatives.
Key words: interethnic marriage, biethnic family, interethnic interaction, marital behavior, Udmurt women
Acknowledgments: the article was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation № 23-28-01604, / and in the Udmurt State Agricultural University.
For citation: Russkikh T. N., Uvarov S. N. Interethnic families in Udmurtia: the view of modern Udmurt women (on the material of interview) // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2024; 14 (4/59): 745–758.