Assimilative potential of vowel harmony in languages of agglutinative type
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About author:
D. V. Tsygankin Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation, kafmoksh
G. S. Ivanova Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation,
ABSTRACT Introduction: in agglutinative languages, such as Moksha, the dominant type of inflection is the gluing of various formants to a derivative or non-derivative basis of a word. This article presents the results of the study, which reflected the progressive assimilation of vowel suffixal elements by palatality in the dialects of the Moksha language. The subject of the research are nominal derivational and inflectional models.
Objective: to identify the prevalence of progressive assimilation of vowels into derivational and relational affixes, attracting dialectal material.
Research materials: the dialectal material collected under field conditions by the authors and students of the Faculty of Philology of Mordovia State University.
Results and novelty of the research: analysis of the factual material confirmed the spread of progressive assimilation of vowels to suffixes. Most affixes have two-variant (palatally velar) sound design. Agglutination of one or another allomorph to the base depends both on the quality of the vowel head syllable in a number, and on the palatal or velar nature of the auslaut consonant. According to the analyzed material, the degree of affixal vowel harmony in dialects is not the same: to a large extent progressive assimilation of vowels is common in Temyashevsky, Southeast, central dialects; in the Middle Vad dialect the final syllable emerged from its scope. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the article first examines the effect of progressive assimilation of vowels on suffix elements in Moksha dialects. According to the analyzed material, the prevalence of affixing syngarmonism in the dialects is not the same: it manifests itself to a greater extent in the Temyashevsky, southeastern, central dialects; in the Central Wadi dialect, the final syllable falls out of its scope. The results of the study contribute to the comparative and historical study of certain issues of phonetics and morphology of the Mordovian and Finno-Ugric languages.
Key words: languages of agglutinative type, Moksha language, affixation, assimilation, vowel harmony, agglutination.
Acknowledgements: the authors are grateful to the reviewers whose valuable comments have helped to correct factual errors and improve the quality of the manuscript.For citation: Tsygankin D. V., Ivanova G. S. Assimilative potential of vowel harmony in languages of agglutinative type // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2019; 9 (3): 510–518.
G. S. Ivanova Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation,
ABSTRACT Introduction: in agglutinative languages, such as Moksha, the dominant type of inflection is the gluing of various formants to a derivative or non-derivative basis of a word. This article presents the results of the study, which reflected the progressive assimilation of vowel suffixal elements by palatality in the dialects of the Moksha language. The subject of the research are nominal derivational and inflectional models.
Objective: to identify the prevalence of progressive assimilation of vowels into derivational and relational affixes, attracting dialectal material.
Research materials: the dialectal material collected under field conditions by the authors and students of the Faculty of Philology of Mordovia State University.
Results and novelty of the research: analysis of the factual material confirmed the spread of progressive assimilation of vowels to suffixes. Most affixes have two-variant (palatally velar) sound design. Agglutination of one or another allomorph to the base depends both on the quality of the vowel head syllable in a number, and on the palatal or velar nature of the auslaut consonant. According to the analyzed material, the degree of affixal vowel harmony in dialects is not the same: to a large extent progressive assimilation of vowels is common in Temyashevsky, Southeast, central dialects; in the Middle Vad dialect the final syllable emerged from its scope. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the article first examines the effect of progressive assimilation of vowels on suffix elements in Moksha dialects. According to the analyzed material, the prevalence of affixing syngarmonism in the dialects is not the same: it manifests itself to a greater extent in the Temyashevsky, southeastern, central dialects; in the Central Wadi dialect, the final syllable falls out of its scope. The results of the study contribute to the comparative and historical study of certain issues of phonetics and morphology of the Mordovian and Finno-Ugric languages.
Key words: languages of agglutinative type, Moksha language, affixation, assimilation, vowel harmony, agglutination.
Acknowledgements: the authors are grateful to the reviewers whose valuable comments have helped to correct factual errors and improve the quality of the manuscript.For citation: Tsygankin D. V., Ivanova G. S. Assimilative potential of vowel harmony in languages of agglutinative type // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2019; 9 (3): 510–518.