Oh, Yakhim, Yakhim... A new reading of the novel «Lavginov» by the Erzyan writer V.M. Kolomasov
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University Saransk, Russia [email protected]
Abstract:The author uses the modern approaches to analyze V.M. Kolomasov’s satirical and comic novel “Lavginov”, which is one of the most interesting, important and popular works of Erzya literature. The article presents different assessment of the novel and its eponymous hero from the initial to the modern one; when studying the artistic world of the novel the author places a special emphasis on the connection to folk humor traditions. Today, at the time of increased public attention to national problems and the fates of the nation, this is of particular relevance, because it provides an opportunity to better understand the features of the national mentality and ethnos viability. This is all the more important that for various reasons more than a million nation, gave birth to dozens of talented persons possessing incomparable word art treasures, has intensely reduced from year to year out. Referring to the origins of their ethnicities, the writers try to give their tribesmen hope for national and spiritual revival, awaken their national consciousness and their desire to become physically strong and rich in spiritual and cultural way. Based on the foregoing, rethinking of V. Kolomasov’s novel «Lavginov» is highly relevant.
Key words: literature, comic, satire, humor, genre, the novel, character, humor tradition.