The ritual of «dressing a dead man» in the context of the funeral and memorial rites of the Mordovians
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Book reviews
About author:
M. A. TrostinaNational Research Ogarev Mordovia State University,Saransk, Russian Federation,[email protected]
A. E. LapokinaNational Research Ogarev Mordovia State University,Saransk, Russian Federation,[email protected]
Introduction: the article is devoted to the consideration of the ritual of «dressing a dead man», which is partof the funeral and memorial rites of the Mordovians. The subject of the study is the connection of the ritual withthe mythological representations of the Mordovians, its structure and specifics of being at the present stage ofdevelopment of the society.
Objective: on the basis of the analysis of local variants to give a holistic characterization of the ritual of«dressing a dead man» in the context of funeral and memorial rites of the Mordovians and related ideas about thelife of the soul and the possibility of deceased ancestors to influence the fate of their relatives.
Research materials: authentic folklore information collected by the authors of the article in the Moksha andErzya villages of the Republic of Mordovia in 2018–2019.
Results and novelty of the research: the paper provides a review of studies on the study of Mordovian familyrituals. Ethnographic description of the modern versions of the «dressing a dead man» ritual, performed mainly inMoksha villages, is given. Based on the analysis of the original folklore material, the general archetypal structureof the ceremony is built, in which eight stages are distinguished. Local features of the ceremony in differentterritories (bypassing the grave with ritual clothes, crossing the funeral meal, choosing the recipient of a newoutfit, the process of distributing things, etc.) are revealed. It has been established that the ritual of «dressing adead man» is an important source of information about the religious beliefs, life and traditions of the Mordovian
people.The study was conducted based on the analysis of the original folklore material. It is established that the ritualof «dressing a dead man» perpetrated primarily in Moksha villages, is an important source of information aboutreligious beliefs, traditions and everyday life of the Mordovian people.
Key words: funeral rite, ritual, the Mordovians, dressing a dead man, funeral clothes, lamentation.
For citation: Trostina M. A., Lapokina A. E. The ritual of «dressing a dead man» in the context of the funeraland memorial rites of the Mordovians // Vestnik Ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies, 2020; 10 (1): 168–177.
A. E. LapokinaNational Research Ogarev Mordovia State University,Saransk, Russian Federation,[email protected]
Introduction: the article is devoted to the consideration of the ritual of «dressing a dead man», which is partof the funeral and memorial rites of the Mordovians. The subject of the study is the connection of the ritual withthe mythological representations of the Mordovians, its structure and specifics of being at the present stage ofdevelopment of the society.
Objective: on the basis of the analysis of local variants to give a holistic characterization of the ritual of«dressing a dead man» in the context of funeral and memorial rites of the Mordovians and related ideas about thelife of the soul and the possibility of deceased ancestors to influence the fate of their relatives.
Research materials: authentic folklore information collected by the authors of the article in the Moksha andErzya villages of the Republic of Mordovia in 2018–2019.
Results and novelty of the research: the paper provides a review of studies on the study of Mordovian familyrituals. Ethnographic description of the modern versions of the «dressing a dead man» ritual, performed mainly inMoksha villages, is given. Based on the analysis of the original folklore material, the general archetypal structureof the ceremony is built, in which eight stages are distinguished. Local features of the ceremony in differentterritories (bypassing the grave with ritual clothes, crossing the funeral meal, choosing the recipient of a newoutfit, the process of distributing things, etc.) are revealed. It has been established that the ritual of «dressing adead man» is an important source of information about the religious beliefs, life and traditions of the Mordovian
people.The study was conducted based on the analysis of the original folklore material. It is established that the ritualof «dressing a dead man» perpetrated primarily in Moksha villages, is an important source of information aboutreligious beliefs, traditions and everyday life of the Mordovian people.
Key words: funeral rite, ritual, the Mordovians, dressing a dead man, funeral clothes, lamentation.
For citation: Trostina M. A., Lapokina A. E. The ritual of «dressing a dead man» in the context of the funeraland memorial rites of the Mordovians // Vestnik Ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies, 2020; 10 (1): 168–177.