Structural and semantic characteristics of Khanty verbs with the preverbs shөpa / shǒppi / suppi / soppi / chөpӽә ‘in half’
Objective: to study opportunities of transition of verbs with the preverbs shөpa / shǒppi / suppi / soppi / chөpӽә from one semantic class to another, and to compare their functional correspondences in different dialects of the Khanty language.
Research materials: verbs with the preverbs shөpa / shǒppi / suppi / soppi / chөpӽә of the Kazym, the Shuryshkar, the Ural (Ust-Soba and Ust-Poluy dialects), the Surgut dialects of the Khanty language collected by the author from informants and dictionaries of the Khanty language.
Results and novelty of the research: for the first time the most complete list of verbs of different lexical- semantic groups (LSG) with the preverbs shөpa / shǒppi / suppi / soppi / chөpӽ is revealed. It is established that this preverb is attached mainly to the verbs of destruction and movement, etc. As the result, we observe changes in the number of valences of the derived verbs (usually they decrease). Verbs of the LSG ‘movement’ lose the locative valence; verbs of destruction do not change the valence. The change of the valence of verbs occurs due to the syntactic compatibility of a verb with different types of subjects and objects (animate, inanimate). The results of the study can be used to create dictionaries, to compare the related and unrelated languages, as well as to write the scientific grammar of the Khanty language.
Key words: preverb, valence, lexical-semantic group, verbs of destruction, verbs of movement.
Acknowledgements: the author expresses gratitude to the anonymous reviewers, as well as to all informants who are fluent in the Khanty language.
For citation: Solovar V. N. Structural and semantic characteristics of Khanty verbs with the preverbs shөpa / shǒppi / suppi / soppi / chөpӽә ‘in half’ // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2020; 10 (3): 534–544.