Suffixal word-formation of adjectives in the Erzya language in comparison with the Hungarian language
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Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation,
Introduction: the multi-aspect character of word-formation process, closely related to linguistic and psycholinguistic categories, determines the relevance of the research of this branch of linguistics. At present, the comparative aspect of the problem is also relevant. The objects of the research are the derivative suffixal adjectives; the subjects of the article are the semantics of different suffixes and the specificity of adjectives’ derivation.
Objective: complex description of word formation potential of suffixes of derivative adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages.
Research materials: such dictionaries as Erzyan-ruzon valks = Erzya-Russian dictionary, Magyar-orosz szótár = Hungarian-Russian dictionary.
Results and novelty of the research: the author reveals the productive word-formative suffixes of adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages; defines their functions and meaning; describes the features of the suffixes in the comparative aspect. The vast majority of adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages are derivatives; this is caused by the diversity of the word-formative suffixes themselves, as well as by the fact that the particular suffixes have created some productive word-formative types. Adjectives in the languages under consideration can be formed from almost all parts of speech. The differences are in the productivity of some word-formative models. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the comparative aspect of study of the word-formative suffixes of adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages aims to describe their functions and meanings.
Key words: suffix, adjective, word-formative (derivational) suffixes, productive suffixes, the Erzya language, the Hungarian language.
Acknowledgements: the author expresses gratitude an anonymous reviewer for useful recommendations and valuable advice in the preparation of the article.
For citation: Ariskina T. P. Suffixal word-formation of adjectives in the Erzya language in comparison with the Hungarian language // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric studies. 2019; 9 (3): 407–416.
Introduction: the multi-aspect character of word-formation process, closely related to linguistic and psycholinguistic categories, determines the relevance of the research of this branch of linguistics. At present, the comparative aspect of the problem is also relevant. The objects of the research are the derivative suffixal adjectives; the subjects of the article are the semantics of different suffixes and the specificity of adjectives’ derivation.
Objective: complex description of word formation potential of suffixes of derivative adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages.
Research materials: such dictionaries as Erzyan-ruzon valks = Erzya-Russian dictionary, Magyar-orosz szótár = Hungarian-Russian dictionary.
Results and novelty of the research: the author reveals the productive word-formative suffixes of adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages; defines their functions and meaning; describes the features of the suffixes in the comparative aspect. The vast majority of adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages are derivatives; this is caused by the diversity of the word-formative suffixes themselves, as well as by the fact that the particular suffixes have created some productive word-formative types. Adjectives in the languages under consideration can be formed from almost all parts of speech. The differences are in the productivity of some word-formative models. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the comparative aspect of study of the word-formative suffixes of adjectives in the Erzya and Hungarian languages aims to describe their functions and meanings.
Key words: suffix, adjective, word-formative (derivational) suffixes, productive suffixes, the Erzya language, the Hungarian language.
Acknowledgements: the author expresses gratitude an anonymous reviewer for useful recommendations and valuable advice in the preparation of the article.
For citation: Ariskina T. P. Suffixal word-formation of adjectives in the Erzya language in comparison with the Hungarian language // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric studies. 2019; 9 (3): 407–416.