Universal motives in Russian Autobiografi cal prose of XIX century: style features of S.T. Aksakov and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin
Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of Philology and the methods of its teaching in primary school Moscow City pedagogic university (MCPU) Moscow, Russia [email protected]
Abstract. An article discloses motive structure of autobiographical prose in S.T. Aksakov’s and M.E. Saltukov-Shchedrin’s works. Universality of the motives is not related to the uniformity of their works. Different styles of the writers are seen in the artistic image of childhood. The traditional lyrical pathos of the genre in S.T. Aksakov’s works is invented by means of sature, travesty and the realistic grotesque in M.E. Saltukov-Shchedrin’s works.
Keywords: autobiographical prose, universal motives, system of images, lyrical, satire, grotesque, portrait, сarikatura.