The conflict and characters in psychological drama by E. Kozlova «Tuj dor bad» («A willow at a road»)
Candidate of Philology Scientific associate of the literary studies sector Institute of Language, Literature and History of Komi Scientific center of Ural branch of the RAS Syktyvkar, Russia
Abstract.The concept of the work «A willow at a road» develops from acute intense confl ict, which is necessary component of drama: author confronts the confl ict of characters with different views about life, about crime and punishment. Defending their opinion in a collision, in a dispute, each hero reveals their character that also need for express of the idea of drama. Dramatist, pushing heroes with unexpected diffi culties, artistically interprets the nature of certain social phenomena of our time, seeking to understand the complex processes of identity formation. In the drama, perhaps too straightforward sound idea that high offi ce in a modern society often held by immoral people, able to step over his conscience, through moral principles. Conversely, conscientious people, who could not forgive myself for any immoral act, drink too much, become homeless.
Key words: komi dramatic art, E. Kozlova, psychological drama, confl ict, characters.