Linguistic peculiarities of handwritten Russian-Udmurt dictionaries of G.E. Vereschagin
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Candidate of philological sciences, staff scientist of Institute of History, Language and Literature of the RAS Ural branch Izhevsk, Russia
Abstract.The scientific-industrial archive of the Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science has two handwritten Russian-Udmurt dictionaries of G.E. Vereschagin, written, presumably, in the late 19th- early 20th centuries. The author uses Russian graphics of that time with addition of Latin letters such as i, q and j. The dictionaries have some difference in graphics because of the time of their preparation. In the author’s opinion the works, based on an interim, more widespread North-Udmurt dialect, received into itself linguistic features of both middle and southern dialects of Udmurt language.
Key words: G. Vereschagin, script, the Udmurt language, manuscript, dictionary, graphics, dialect.
Key words: G. Vereschagin, script, the Udmurt language, manuscript, dictionary, graphics, dialect.