Vocabulary related to land cultivation in the Udmurt language of the XVIII century: written history of the words gery and usy
Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russian Federation, [email protected]
Introduction: the article presents written history of the lexemes gery ‘plow’ and usy ‘harrow’ in the Udmurt language, first recorded in the first grammar of 1775 under the title “Compositions belonging to the grammar of the Votyak language”. All changes of the meaning and graphic design of words can be traced from the most important lexicographical sources of the XIX–XXI centuries.
Objective: to identify the history of the words gery and usy in the written monuments of the Udmurt language in the context of their origin.
Research materials: early written monuments of the Udmurt language (XVIII–XIX centuries), lexicographic works on the Udmurt language, etymological linguistic dictionaries.
Results and novelty of the research: the author for the first time gives the history of the written recording of the words gery ‘plow’ and usy ‘harrow’ (from the XVIII to the present century) in the Udmurt language. The analysis revealed that they belong to the common Permian vocabulary in origin and were recorded already in 1775 in the first grammar of the Udmurt language. Observation of the almost 250-year history of fixation of these lexemes in written monuments showed that initially the word gery (from the XVIII century to the 30s of the XX century) meant both a wooden plow and an iron plow, and usy
has not changed its meaning since the first meaning.
Key words: Udmurt language, written monuments, vocabulary, dictionary, grammar, agriculture, word history, semantics, etymology
For citation: Ivshin L. M. Vocabulary related to land cultivation in the Udmurt language of the XVIII century: written history of the words gery and usy // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2024; 14 (3/58): 446–454.