Semantics of verbs of causal displacement vortty, pөhǝԓty, potkǝty in the Khanty language
Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation,
Introduction: the article analyzes the mechanisms of semantic shifts of verbs denoting the causation of object displacement and movement oriented relative to a subject.
Objective: to reveal the semantics of verbs with the meaning of displacement, placement and localization of objects in the Khanty language and to show cases of intersection of the zone of causal displacement of objects with adjacent semantic fields.
Research materials: dictionaries of the Khanty language, texts of folklore collections, field materials collected by the author.
Results and novelty of the research: for the first time, using the material of the Khanty language, the features of the functioning of verbs of causal displacement of an object on the surface were considered from the standpoint of lexical typology. In the Khanty language, three main verbs are distinguished, which can be called the verbs of causal displacement on the surface: vortty, pөhǝԓty, and potkǝty. The results of the study show that the changes that these lexemes undergo during the semantic shift are heterogeneous. In some cases, a change in meaning is accompanied only by a change in the type of actant; in other cases, the actional features of the predicate are transformed (shift to static semantics); the characteristics of a subject and an object change; the set of participants in a situation may increase or decrease, which affects the morphological and syntactic properties
of the structure as a whole. We have created a semantic map that clearly shows that semantic fields do not exist independently of each other, but intersect and overlap one another due to the contiguity of their respective situations.
Key words: lexical typology, verb, Khanty language, lexical semantics, semantic shift, metaphorization
Acknowledgments: the author express the gratitude to the reviewers and informants for useful recommendations and valuable advice in preparing the materials of the article.
For citation: Nakhracheva G. L. Semantics of verbs of causal displacement vortty, pөhǝԓty, potkǝty in the Khanty language // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2024; 14 (4/59): 670–677.