The concept of memory in N. Zaytseva’s Vepsian novel “Minun vepsläine oza”
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation,
Introduction: the article analyzes the specifics of realization of the phenomenon of memory as a plot-forming factor of narrative development in Karelian literature in the Vepsian language on the example of N. Zaytseva’s novel “Minun vepsläine oza” (“My Vepsian Share”). The concept of memory reflected in artistic literary texts allow us to talk about a special way of preservation of cultural identity, as well as actualization of the theme of continuity, which, of course, is an important factor in the development of minority languages and literatures.
Objective: to reveal the specifics of the functioning of the concept of memory in Vepsian literature on the example of N. Zaiyseva’s novel “Minun vepsläine oza”.
Research materials: the novel in the Vepsian language “Minun vepsläine oza” by N. Zaytseva.
Results and novelty of the research: memory as a whole is built up from the heroine’s memories and is significant both for her (it is personally oriented) and it translates general cultural values forming the idea of continuity in the consciousness of the Vepsian people. Dual perception of the surrounding world makes the Vepsian people, on the one hand, ethnocentric, on the other hand, it allows them to assimilate the best impulses of the outside world preserving the uniqueness of the cultural code. The concept of memory is realized in the novel at the plot-compositional level. In the
process of research, we have identified that the most significant is the motif of a road, which is associated in the text with the life path of the heroine. In the course of growing up, she learns to communicate with people around her, comprehends the value of such concepts as home, native culture, native language. Thus, the concept of memory in the novel “Minun vepsläine oza” becomes a promising way to preserve and further development the artistic literature of Karelia in the Vepsian language. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the concept of memory in the work of N. Zaytseva for the first time becomes the subject of scientific consideration.
Key words: Karelian literature, literature in Vepsian language, N. Zaytseva, memory, novel in the Vepsian language, motif of a road
For citation: Kazakova M. V. The concept of memory in N. Zaytseva’s Vepsian novel “Minun vepsläine oza” // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2023; 13 (4/55): 634–641.