Komi verbs adavny, adgyny, adzhny ʻto eat greedilyʼ in the context of interlingual contacts
Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation, [email protected]
Introduction: the article deals with clarifying the etymology of the Komi verbs adavny, adgyny and adzhny ʻto eat greedilyʼ and their possible connection with the structurally and semantically close Northern Russian verbs adat, adovat and adgat ʻto eat greedilyʼ.
Objective: to clarify the origin of the Komi verbs and their role in the formation of Russian correspondences.
Research materials: lexical units extracted from the dialect dictionaries of the Komi and Russian languages, as well as publications related to the etymology and history of the group of verbs under consideration.
Results and novelty of the research: as a result of the study, the origin of Komi verbs was established and their role in the formation of Russian equivalents was clarified. It is proved that Komi verbs adavny, adgyny and adzhny have different origins: a) verbs with the stem ad- and their Russian correspondences are formed according to the same semantic-derivational model from the Russian word ad ‘underworld’ and were formed in both languages in parallel, in conditions of close contacts and mutual influence; b) the local Komi-Zyryan verb adzhny ʻto eat greedilyʼ, in the composition of which there is the stem adzh- / az-, is not directly related to this group; new materials from the Komi and Russian languages, as well as some Volga languages allow us to speak about its special origin in the Komi language. The novelty of the research lies in the created evidence base of etymologization of the Komi verbs adavny, argyny and adzhny.
Key words: etymology, dialect vocabulary, borrowing, Komi language, Northern Russian dialects
Acknowledgments: the publication was prepared within the framework of the planned research theme “The Permian languages in the linguistic and cultural space of the European North and the Pre-Urals” (№ 121042600252-7).
For citation: Fedyuneva G. V. Komi verbs adavny, adgyny, adzhny ʻto eat greedilyʼ in the context of interlingual contacts // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2024; 14 (4/59): 724–732.