Names of Fish in the Beserman dialect of the Udmurt language
Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russian Federation,
Introduction: This paper examines the ichthyonymy of the Beserman dialect of the Udmurt language, the native idiom of the small Beserman people living in the north-west of the Udmurt Republic. The relevance of this study is dictated by the insufficient study of vocabulary and the problem of the ethnogenesis of the people.
Objective: systematize the names of fish and explore their origin in the Be serman dialect of the Udmurt language.
Research materials: materials from T. I. Teplyashina’s monograph “The Language of Beserman” and her field notes of Beserman speech, ichthyonymic vocabulary from the dictionaries of the Beserman dialect and the Udmurt language.
Results and novelty of the research: The study revealed that Besermans know 19 species of fish, which are represented by 24 ichthyonyms. According to their origin they can be divided into three groups: Russian borrowings – 15 names, native names – 8 units, Tatar borrowings – 1 word. Russian borrowings play a leading role in the ichthyonymy under study, which can be explained by the strong influence of the Russian language and the decline in the importance of fishing in the economic life of the speakers of the idiom, so the names of rare fish species are gradually forgotten.
The results of the study allow us to conclude that Beserman ichthyonymy organically fits into the lexical-semantic group of native Udmurt fish names, which are gradually being replaced by Russian borrowings. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first to systematize the names of fish of a specific Udmurt dialect, and to carry out their etymological and comparative lexical-semantic analysis in the context of general Udmurt ichthyonymy.
Key words: Udmurt language, Beserman dialect, vocabulary, ichthyonymy, etymology
For citation: Maksimov S. A. Names of Fish in the Beserman Dialect of the Udmurt Language // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2023; 13 (4/55): 676–685.