Lexical actualization of the conversational style in the structure of the narrative of the Ugric prose writer N. I. Konyaev
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Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation, [email protected]
Introduction: the article is part of the tradition of linguistic-stylistic analysis of the language of fiction. A study of the functioning of individual linguistic-stylistic elements in the figurative integration of a literary text is carried out. In particular, the author’s system of updating the conversational style at the lexical level in the novel by N. I. Konyaev «Okolotok Perekovka» is considered.
Objective: to study the means of stylization of live colloquial speech at the lexical level in the literary text of the prose writer.
Research materials: the text of the story of the famous Yugra novelist N. I. Konyaev «Okolotok Perekovka».
Results and novelty of the research: we have identified the following means of stylization of colloquial speech at the lexical level in the literary text of Konyaev: 1. The use of vernacular. The vernacular is the lexical and stylistic category, functional variety of national language and implements a communicative function in the field of everyday communication of the characters in the story «Okolotok Perekovka». Systemic connections of colloquial units appear at the level of semantic fields. Semantic vernacular fields reflect
conceptual spheres that are significant for a reader and organically describe the semantic space of the language and Yugra mentality. Specific features of vernacular are spontaneity, non-normative style, functional and pragmatic orientation. 2. The use of diminutive. In the work of N. I. Konyaev, nouns are used as diminutives and less often adjectives are used as diminutives. Expressive suffixes are more associated with grammar classes of feminine and neuter gender. The mechanism of diminization is perceived as truncation, depreciation or «infantilization» of a word. 3. The use of phraseological means of the language. Phraseological composition of the prose of N. I. Konyaev has colloquial stylistic affiliation. The characteristic feature of the phrase-usage of N. I. Konyaev is the use of
commonly used variants of phraseological units. In the process of constructing a statement, the author applies various transformations of phraseological units: he changes the grammatical form, replaces or skips the component of a phraseological unit, shortens a phraseological unit in order to achieve a comic effect. The author’s transformation of stable expressions enhances the expressiveness and conciseness of the speech of the characters for expression of complex images and relationships. The scientific novelty of the material is due to the fact that the problem of actualization of conversational style in the narrative system of the Yugra novelist N. I. Konyaev is studied for the first time.
Кey words: Nikolay Ivanovich Konyaev, the story «Okolotok Perekovka», lexical means, colloquial style, colloquialism, colloquial speech, diminutive, phraseologism.
For citation: Belkova A. E. Lexical actualization of the conversational style in the structure of the narrative of the Ugric prose writer N. I. Konyaev // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2020; 10 (1): 26–33.
Introduction: the article is part of the tradition of linguistic-stylistic analysis of the language of fiction. A study of the functioning of individual linguistic-stylistic elements in the figurative integration of a literary text is carried out. In particular, the author’s system of updating the conversational style at the lexical level in the novel by N. I. Konyaev «Okolotok Perekovka» is considered.
Objective: to study the means of stylization of live colloquial speech at the lexical level in the literary text of the prose writer.
Research materials: the text of the story of the famous Yugra novelist N. I. Konyaev «Okolotok Perekovka».
Results and novelty of the research: we have identified the following means of stylization of colloquial speech at the lexical level in the literary text of Konyaev: 1. The use of vernacular. The vernacular is the lexical and stylistic category, functional variety of national language and implements a communicative function in the field of everyday communication of the characters in the story «Okolotok Perekovka». Systemic connections of colloquial units appear at the level of semantic fields. Semantic vernacular fields reflect
conceptual spheres that are significant for a reader and organically describe the semantic space of the language and Yugra mentality. Specific features of vernacular are spontaneity, non-normative style, functional and pragmatic orientation. 2. The use of diminutive. In the work of N. I. Konyaev, nouns are used as diminutives and less often adjectives are used as diminutives. Expressive suffixes are more associated with grammar classes of feminine and neuter gender. The mechanism of diminization is perceived as truncation, depreciation or «infantilization» of a word. 3. The use of phraseological means of the language. Phraseological composition of the prose of N. I. Konyaev has colloquial stylistic affiliation. The characteristic feature of the phrase-usage of N. I. Konyaev is the use of
commonly used variants of phraseological units. In the process of constructing a statement, the author applies various transformations of phraseological units: he changes the grammatical form, replaces or skips the component of a phraseological unit, shortens a phraseological unit in order to achieve a comic effect. The author’s transformation of stable expressions enhances the expressiveness and conciseness of the speech of the characters for expression of complex images and relationships. The scientific novelty of the material is due to the fact that the problem of actualization of conversational style in the narrative system of the Yugra novelist N. I. Konyaev is studied for the first time.
Кey words: Nikolay Ivanovich Konyaev, the story «Okolotok Perekovka», lexical means, colloquial style, colloquialism, colloquial speech, diminutive, phraseologism.
For citation: Belkova A. E. Lexical actualization of the conversational style in the structure of the narrative of the Ugric prose writer N. I. Konyaev // Vestnik ugrovedenia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2020; 10 (1): 26–33.