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2021. VOL. 11, №1
T. P. Ariskina
Word-formation of compound nouns with a subordinate connection in the Erzya and Hungarian languages
S. P. Gudkova A. V. Khozyajkina
Features of the development of books of poems in modern Russian-language poetry of Mordovia (on the material of the poetry books by A. M. Sharonov «The Monologues» and S. Yu. Senichev «Grapes in Chocolate, or Compounding»)
G. S. Ivanova N. V. Butylov
Representation of the Finno-Ugric *ä of a non-first syllable (on the material of the Moksha dialects)
Yu. V. Islamova. M. G. Baksheeva. A. N. Brusnitsyn
Vocabulary of fishery and water spaces of the Konda territory in the aspect of the nomination principles
Е. V. Kosintseva
The genre of a ballad in Khanty literature
V. P. Mironova
The motif of establishment of relationships in the Karelian wedding runes
I. M. Moldanova
Lexical-semantic and word-formation features of verbs in the materials of the book «The Songs of the Kazym River in the Collection of the Okrug House of Folk Art»
M. V. Mosin. N. M. Mosina
Evolution of consonant combinations of a Finno-Ugric word’s stem in the Mordovian languages
A. G. Musanov. M. A. Matsuk
Names of micro-objects of the Middle Vychegda in the official documents of the XVII century
I. P. Novak
Basic vocabulary of the Karelian and Vepsian languages in the linguistic and geographical aspect
T. R. Ryzhikova. А. A. Dobrinina. T. V. Timkin
Study of the intermittent vowels of the Surgut dialect of the Khanty language through the method of direct digital laryngoscopy: preliminary results
V. N. Solovar
Structural and semantic features of Ob-Ugric verbs with the preverbs pєlki / pєlka / pelәk / pӓlәkkә / pālyg
V. L. Syazi
The theme of love in the story by Yu. N. Nakova «The Sky Saw and the Waters of the Por-Avat and the Neva heard»
E. A. Tsypanov
Language errors in the translation of Pitirim Sorokin’s autobiographical book «A Long Journey» into the Komi language
S. V. Sheyanova. N. M. Yusupova
The specifics of interpretation of the history in the story by A. Doronin «A Wolf Ravine»
History, ethnography, archeology
T. V. Voldina
«Intellectual» games numӑs junt / nomt joŋil as one of the directions of the game culture of the Ob Ugrians
V. I. Prokopenko
Pedagogic and educational potential of traditional fishing and hunting games of the Forest Nenets people
V. I. Spodina
The harmful properties of the material world: symbolic understanding of being
V. V. Tsys
Orthodox clergy and flock of parishes of the Ob North: the economic aspect of relations (XVIII – early XX centuries)
History of science
M. Csepregi. Cs. Horváth
Pyotr Efimovich Sheshkin and Péter Domokos: thе epistolary dialogue
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