2018. VOL. 8, №1
А.А. Arzamazov
Linguopoetics of time in the works of Peter Zakharov: structural and semantic representations
A.E. Belkova
Specifics of synonymy as a manifestation of nominative variation in Yugra poetry: on the material of creativity of Vladimir A. Mazin
S.S. Sibatrova
About the origin of the Mari interjections addressing pigs and piglets: borrowings from the Russian language
S.V. Sheyanova, A.M. Zakirzyanov
Traditions of the memoir prose in the autobiographical story by Е. Chetvergov «Thinking about the spent life»
History, ethnography, archeology
T.V. Voldina
The traditional art of the Ob Ugrians as a mean of communication with the world of spirits
А.G. Kiselev, A.M. Losunov
«The road to the unknown world»: to history of the ski and reindeer run on the route Sale-Khard – Omsk, 1937
S.A. Popova
Mythoritual representations of the Northern Mansi about the water spirits Vit Khōn and Vit Khōn Āgi