2013. VOL. 3, №3
Нахрачёва Г.Л.
Lexical compatibility of destructive verbs of the Khanty language (on a material of a shuryshkarsky dialect)
Динисламова С.С.
Creative work of Matrena Pankratyevna Vakhrusheva in context of the history of Mansi literature
Pedagogics, psychology
Тихомирова О.Б., Соколова А.И.
Content-methodological context of intellectual and personal education of preschool children in the process of introduction to the tales of L.N. Tolstoy
Philosophy, sociology, political science
History, ethnography, archeology
Зайцева Е.А., Кениг А.В., Собольникова Т.Н.
Development problems of Lower Irtysh region during Ancient times and Middle Ages (by the example of the materials of Sogom archeological microdistrict)