2013. VOL. 3, №2
Жиндеева Е.А.
Concept of modern literary process in view of its polyethnic identity as the basis for study of modern literature in Republic of Mordovia
Зиявадинова О.С.
Komi prose of the fi rst third of XX century: artistic-philosophical understanding of relationship between man and nature
Миляхова Ю.Г., Соловар В.Н.
National and cultural peculiarities of language units of the sphere of human psychoemotional state and behavior (based on Shuryshkarsky and Kazym dialects of Khanty language)
Philosophy, sociology, political science
Харамзин В.Т.
Research of socio-demographical development of indigenous small people of the North of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug – Ugra
History, ethnography, archeology
Беспокойный А.В.
Christianization of ethnographical groups of Mansi and orthodox missionary work (the end of XIX – beginning of XX century)
Сподина В.И.
Opposition light/darkness and sound/soundless in spatial code of the universe. The role of birds-mediators in fulfi llment of connections between the worlds
Кениг А.В.
Family structure and dynamics of indigenous population of Temlicheev non-Russian district in XVIII–XIX centuries
History of science
Козлова Л.А., Казанцева О.В., Ткачева С.В., Лапенко И.В.
Estimation of daily food ration of children and teenagers, living in Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug