2023. VOL. 13, №3
Vodyasova L. P. Ivanova G. S.
Role of identifying words in the novel by A. K. Martynov “Davoldo Ikele” (“Before the Storm”)
Dinislamova O. Yu.
Holo-meronymic relations in the Mansi language (on the example of the lexical-semantic group “human hand”)
Zakharova E. V. Kundozerova M. V.
Motivation of geographical names in the Karelian legends of the Kestenga area: toponymic aspect
Kosintseva E. V.
The concept of happiness in the lyrics of S. S. Dinislamova (based on the material of the book “My Quiet Happiness”)
Normanskaya Yu. V.
The first books as evidence of paradigmatic stress variation in the Mari language in the XIX century
Polyakov O. Ye. Letkina N. V.
Zoonymic component in the system of plant names of the Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) languages
Punegova G. V. Tsypanov Ye. A.
Languistic peculiarities of A. A. Tsember’s folklore collection of the early XX century
Usanova I. A.
Representation of the category of artistic time in the trilogy by E. S. Loginova “The Last Quarter”
История, этнография, археология
Abramov I. V.
In search of self-government and self-sufficiency: indigenous communities of West Siberia in the 1990s
Kiselev A. G Onina S. V.
Dictations of students in the Khanty language of the Khanty-Mansiysk National Pedagogical College of the post-war decade as the historical source