2021. VOL. 11, №3
N. A. Agafonova, I. N. Ryabov
The structure of word forms of future tense verbs of object conjugation in the Erzya dialects of the Zavolzhye and Southern Urals
N. G. Dolzhenko
Temporal semantics of sentences with a deverbative turn (based on the works by E. D. Aypin)
N. V. Kondratyeva. K. G. Kostina
History of study of the grammatical category of the voice in the Udmurt linguistics
N. N. Levina
Author’s forms and techniques of embodiment of psychologism in G. Pinyasov’s novellas («The Hot Summer», «The Cross»)
V. N. Solovar
Structural and semantic features of Ob-Ugric verbs with preverbs χŏλt / χɔλt / χɔś / χɔt
History, ethnography, archeology
I. Yu. Vinokurova, G. V. Ryvkina
The dynamics of traditional mobile practices of the Ludian Karelians
V. V. Vlasova
Old believers-wanderers of Udora and Pechora: local variants of the confessional tradition (end of the XIX – XX centuries)
E. Р. Martynova
The institution of gift exchange among the Ob Ugrians in the anthropological discourse
S. A. Popova
The time when the Mansi people kept the fire in a nāy sānyt ‘a box of fire’ (based on handwritten materials by P. E. Sheshkin)